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Неблагоприятные последствия исламского поста

Данная статья рассказывает о многочисленных негативных  эффектах исламского поста для человеческого здоровья.
Голодание в медицинских целях может помочь нашему здоровью. Лечебное голодание отличается от поста в месяц Рамадан и вопреки популярным мусульманским  убеждениям, исламский пост, в отличие от лечебного голодания, приводит к большому количеству вредных результатов. Исламский пост вредит здоровью, экономике и производительности,уровню преступности и социальному поведению. Последствия для здоровья, включающие стресс,обезвоживание,мигрень и тд.
===Что есть исламский пост?===
==Последствия для здоровья==
В недавнем исследовании, проведенном в Арабском мире,количество заболеваний, связанных с холестерином и диабетом,увеличилось на 27.65% из-за переедания <ref name="ANSA"/>Несоблюдение предписанной схемы лечения является общим во время поста в месяц Рамадан. <ref>Aslam M, Healey MA. Drug regimens and fasting Moslem patients [Letter]. Lancet 1985;290:1746</ref> Другия последствия для здоровья включают:
Одно исследование показывает увеличение  инцидентов,связанных с обезвоживанием, во время поста в месяц Рамадан.
{{Quote|| '''Физиологические функции'''
Доказательства гемоконцентрации  и обезвоживания были обнаружены во время поста в месяц  (El-Hazmi, Al-Faleh, & Al-Mofleh, 1987; Kayikcioglu et al., 1999; Ramadan et al., 1999; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991; Sweileh et al., 1992). Ограниченное количество жидкости приводит к нарушению ее баланса,что может привести к этим последствиям. В начально стадии обезвоживания появляются клинические признаки тахикардии,усталости и головных болей, недомогания и тошноты. Люди среднего возраста и старше более склонны к последствиям обезвоживания. (Schmahl & Metzler).
Обезвоживание проявляется в увеличении нескольких сывороточных биохимических параметрах.  (El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Ramadan et al., 1999; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991; Sweileh et al., 1992).Увеличение в мочевой кислоте, однако,следует зафиксировать (El-Ati et al, 1995; El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Fedail et al., 1982; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991), потому что гиперурикемия является одним из последствий длительного голодания. (Murphy & Shipman, 1963). Гиперурикемия ассоциируется с сокращением скорости гломелулярного уровня фильтрации, снижением чистоты мочевой кислоты и изменением в  почечном транспорте мочевой кислоты. Однако,во время Рамадана,появляются сообщения о том,что увеличение в мочевой кислоте не  особо отклоняются от нормального уровня и исследования не сообщают о подагре. (El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Fedail.1982).  Поэтому увеличивающаяся мочевая кислота врядли повлияет на здоровье.<ref name="Morimoto">Toda, Masahiro, Morimoto, Kanehisa, "[http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3852/is_200401/ai_n9352292/ Ramadan Fasting - Effect on Healthy Muslims]", Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2004</ref>}}
Количество мигреней увеличивается в 3 раза во время Рамадана,что затрагивает 90 миллионов мусульман.
{{Цитата|Из 1,57 миллиарда мусульман приблизительно  90 миллионов болеют мигренью во время Рамадана. Но исследователи из США и Израиля знают что сделать для предотвращения проблемы.
Др. Ибрахим Абу-Саламех,единственный израильский бедуин-невролог,который работает в Медицинском центре имени Моше Сороки в Беер-Шеве,возглавил команду,которая обнаружила, что мигрени встречаются в 3 раза чаще во время поста в месяц Рамадан,чем в остальном времени года.
Работая с коллегами, Абу-Саламех  исследовал 32 бедуинов,которые страдали от мигрени во время Рамадана в прошлом году и сравнил статистику с обычным месяцем без прошлого для проверки.
Мигрень чаще встречалась у женщин. Три четверти женщин жаловались на мигрень во время поста,по сравнению с гораздо более низким показателем у мужчин. Исследование данного медицинского центра было недавно опубликовано в журнале о головных болях.<BR>. . .<BR>
Абу-Саламех рассказывет, что у него были приступы мигрени во время Рамадана и он вылечил бедуина,который пришел в его клинику и жаловался на головные боли.  Он отметил,что медицинская литература до сегодняшнего дня игнорировала данный феномен. 
Между тем, доктора  Майкл Д. Дрешер из Хартфордского госипталя в Коннектикуте и его колеги из Савы и медицинского центра "Шаарей-Цедек" в Израиле предположили,что другие здоровые мусульмане,страдающие от приступов мигрени во время Рамадана, обращаются к врачам за рецептом для этороксиба, для того чтобы избавиться от головных болей,которые начинаются вместе с началом поста.  <ref>Judy Siegel-Itzkovich - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.jpost.com/HealthAndSci-Tech/Health/Article.aspx?id=184112|2=2011-04-04}} Beduin doctor: Migraines common during Ramadan fast] - The Jerusalem Post, August 9, 2010</ref>}}
=== Тахикардия,сильные головные боли,головокружения,тошнота,рвота и сосудистая недостаточность  ===
Данное исследование было проведено на турецких мусульманах,живущих в Германии,которые имели большие физические и умственные нагрузки. "Средние и  тяжелые  нарушения здоровья,включающие тяжелое  обезвоживание,были найдены у постящихся рабочих":
{{Цитата| Во время месяца Рамадан мусульманам надо строго избегать принятия еды и питья вплоть до захода Солнца. Тепловой удар во время такого воздержания представляет собой существенную опасность для здоровья. В ФРГ, где проживает большое количество мусульман,в основном турецкого происхождения,они выполняют тяжелый труд. Мы наблюдали средние и тяжелые разновидности нарушений здоровья у постящихся в месяц Рамадан рабочих. Они страдали от тахикардии,сильных головных болей,головокружений,рвоты и сосудистой недостаточности. Было продемонстрировано существенное увеличение гематокрита, сывороточного протеина,мочевины, креатинина, мочевой кислоты и электролитного баланса.  Из-за доказательств рисков для здоровья работников-мусульман,мы призвали их работодателей не давать им тяжелой работы.
Даже в этих условиях у 32 были найдены признаки обезвоживания. Некоторым из них пришлось прервать пост из-за проблем со здоровьем,например,из-за подагры или сосудистой недостаточности. В свете обнаруженных вредных  патофизиологических эффектов, к опасности обезвоживания постящихся работников-мусульман следует относиться серьезнее.<ref>Schmahl FW, Metzler B, "The health risks of occupational stress in Islamic industrial workers during the Ramadan fasting period", Polish Journal of Occupational Medicine 1991 4:3 219-28</ref>}}
Естественно было бы ожидать, что это отразится на производительности труда, о чем свидетельствует следующий раздел об экономических эффектах.
===Колебания в весе===
Следующее исследование показывает значительные колебания веса у людей,которые происходят во время месяца Рамадан, в основном в результате метаболических изменений, которые происходят в организме.
{{Quote||Многочисленные исследования сообщали о значительной потере веса во время Рамадана (Adlouni, Ghalim, Benslimane, Lecerf, & Saile, 1997; Adlouni et al., 1998; Fedail, Murphy, Salih, Bolton, & Harvey, 1982; Kayikcioglu, Erkin, & Erakgun, 1999; Ramadan, Telahoun, Al-Zaid, & Barac-Nieto, 1999; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991; Sweileh, Schnitzler, Hunter, & Davis, 1992). Снижение веса может возникнуть из-за потери воды в раннем периоде Рамадана и потери веса тела во время позднего  (Sweileh et al., 1992).  По факту,мы нашли доказательства обезвоживания.
Потеря веса покажет использование жира для производства энергии во время Рамадана. (Husain, Duncan, Cheah, & Ch'ng, 1987; Ramadan et al., 1999; Sweileh et al., 1992).В дополнение,исследователи обнаружили уменьшенное сердцебиение и потребление кислорода во время Рамадана(Husain et al., 1987; Ramadan et al., 1999; Sweileh et al., 1992). Эти данные свидетельствуют о метаболической адаптации к посту. Кажется,что во в дневные часы Рамада,когда нельзя пить и есть, для того чтобы сохрвнить накопленную энергию,метаболизм снижается . (Sweileh et al., 1992).
Однако другие исследования сообщают о отсутствии изменений в весе во время Рамадана. (El-Ati, Beji, & Danguir, 1995; Finch, Day, Razak, Welch, & Rogers 1998; Maislos et al., 1993; Maislos, Abou-Rabiah, Zuili, Iordash, & Shany, 1998).По факту,исследование,проведенное в Саудовской Аравии,сообщает о значительном увеличении веса во время Рамадана.  (Frost & Pirani, 1987). Такие изменения могут быть связаны с местными обычаями и качеством еды. Коротко говоря, в исламских сообществах,как и везде,пищевые привычки варьируются по географии,культуре и социально-экономическим факторам. (Musaiger, 1993; Rashed, 1992). Рамадан-это специальный месяц и разнообразие продуктов увеличивается.Таким образом,более богатое питание и специальные угощения не являются редкостью в домовладениях,которые могут это себе позволить.<ref name="Morimoto"></ref>}}
===Расстройства сна===
Результаты данного исследования приводят нас к мнению о том,что пост негативно влияет на циркадный ритм.В результате,неблагоприятные побочные эффекты как летаргия и снижение мотивации,могут способствовать снижению работоспособности.
{{Цитата|Эти изменения в графике принятия пищи сопровождаются изменениями в привычках сна,таких как задержка и сокращение периода сна,что влияет на эндокринную и нейроэндокринную системы.. Несколько сердечно-сосудистых параметров(таких как сердцебиение, кровяное давление,сосудистый тон и коагуляцию фибринолизов) показывают циркадную систему. в нескольких исследованиях сообщалось что вегетативная активность и мелатониновая ритмичность могут быть ответственны за циркадную систему сердечно-сосудистых параметров.'''Изменения в привычках сна в период Рамадана влияет на вегетативную активность и мелатониновую ритмичность'''.Другими негативными эффектами может быть то,что во время поста пациенты с сердечно-сосудистыми болезнями не могут принимать лекарства. Некоторые пациенты могут быть привезены в больницу с сердечно-сосудистыми симптомами вследствие плохой терапии.<ref>"Does Ramadan modify the Circadian Patterns?", Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, March 2006, Vol. 52 Issue 1 [https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/bitstream/1807/6924/1/jp06011.pdf pdf]</ref>}}
Данное исследование было проведено в Саудовской Аравии.Было обнаружено,что уровень мелатонина и фаза быстрого сна увеличиваются во время Рамадана.
{{Цитата|Пост в месяц Рамадан  отличается от регулярного и эксперементального постов. Данный проект был проведен с целью объективно оценить последствия от поста на сон,дневную сонливость и циркадный цикл уровня мелатонина. Восемь здоровых волонтеров сообщили в Центр расстройста сна о 4-х случаях полисомнографии и о множественных тестах ожидания сна:1)первоначальное посещение для адаптации;2)за 2 недели до Рамадана(BL) ;3)в течение первой и третьей недели Рамадана(R1,R3).Уровень мелатонина в слюне был измерен с помощью радиоимунноанализа.Задержка сна ночью была значительно короче и  движение глаз было также меньше,к R3 по сравнению с BL. Не было никакого различия в задержке сна между BL и Рамаданом. Хотя уровень мелатонина сохранял всю ту же циркадную систему в Bl,R1 и R3, '''он имел плоский наклон и более низкий пик в полночь(00:00) в R1 и R3.Данное исследование показало значительно сокращение в задержке сна и движении глаз во время 4-й недели Рамадана.'''В противном случае, не было бы значительного влияния Рамадана на сон и  не было бы выявлено увеличения дневной сонливости.ХотяХотя уровень мелатонина имел бы всю ту же циркадную систуме во время Рамадана, '''уровень гормонов значительно  снизился по сравнению с исходным.''' '''<ref>Ahmed S. BaHammam, "[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1479-8425.2004.00135.x/abstract Effect of fasting during Ramadan on sleep architecture, daytime sleepiness and sleep pattern]", Sleep and Biological Rhythms, Volume 2, Issue 2, pages 135–143, June 2004</ref>}}
===Дневная сонливость и настороженность===
Naturally, a fast would indicate that individuals are ingesting less food. But the following two studies reveal that the decrease in the number of meals that are eaten directly disturbs normal sleep habits and thereby increases daytime drowsiness.
Few epidemiological data have been reported on the relation between Ramadan fasting, life habits (meal frequency, sleep habits) and daytime sleepiness during Ramadan. This paper presents the results of a detailed study of the chronotype and daytime sleepiness before and during Ramadan. It was conducted on a sample of 264 subjects aged between 20 and 30 years. Results have revealed a significant decrease in the meal frequency during Ramadan compared with the control period. Before Ramadan, the majority of subjects woke up between 6 and 7 a.m. and went to sleep between 10 and 11 p.m. however, during Ramadan fasting, they woke up after 8 a.m. and preferred to go to sleep later (after midnight). Chronotype as evaluated by the Horne and Ostberg scale was changed significantly during Ramadan: an increase of the evening type and a decrease in the morning type of subjects was observed. Daytime sleepiness as evaluated by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale was significantly increased.<ref>Taoudi Benchekroun M, Roky R, Toufiq J, Benaji B, Hakkou F, "Epidemiological study: chronotype and daytime sleepiness before and during Ramadan.", Therapie 54:567-72</ref>}}
The following study studies the effect that fasting has on the alertness of an individual. Evidently, the change in sleep patterns causes a decrease in oral temperature and alertness:
During the month of Ramadan, Moslems abstain from drinking and eating daily between sunrise and sunset. This change of meals schedule is accompanied with changes in sleep habit, which may affect diurnal alertness. This study examined the effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on the diurnal alertness and oral temperature in 10 healthy young subjects. The cognitive task battery including movement reaction time (MRT), critical flicker fusion (CFF) and visual analogue scale, was administered at 6 different times of the day: 09.00, 11.00, 13.00, 16.00, 20.00 and 23.00 h on the 6th, 15th, and 28th days of Ramadan. The baseline day was scheduled one week before Ramadan, and the recovery day 18 days after this month. Oral temperature was measured prior to each test session and at 00.00 h. During Ramadan oral temperature decreased at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00, 16.00 and 20.00 h and increased at 23.00 and 00.00 h. Subjective alertness decreased at 09.00 and 16.00 h and increased at 23.00 h. Mood decreased at 16.00 h. MRT was increased at the beginning of Ramadan (R6) and CFF was not changed. These results showed that daytime oral temperature, subjective alertness and mood were decreased during Ramadan intermittent fasting.<ref>Roky R, Iraki L, HajKhlifa R, Lakhdar Ghazal N, Hakkou F, "Daytime alertness, mood, psychomotor performances, and oral temperature during Ramadan intermittent fasting.", Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2000 44:101-7</ref>}}
{{Цитата|'''Иранские медики установили, что пост в месяц Рамадан чреват повышенным риском инсульта'''
Иранские медики в ходе многолетних исследований установили, что пост в священный для мусульман месяц Рамадан может быть опасен для здоровья, сообщает AKI.
Эти сведения содержатся в исследованиях д-ра Мохаммада Садатниа из медицинского университета в Исфагане (Иран) и основываются на данных наблюдений за больными в иранских больницах, проводившихся в течение последних пяти лет.
В частности, на период поста отмечено повышение уровня заболеваемости таким редким видом инсульта, как церебрально-венозный синусоидный тромбоз (CVST). В месяц Рамадан средний уровень заболеваемости этим недугом составляет 5,5%, против среднегодового уровня в 2%.
Комментируя эту новость, исламовед, эксперт "Портала-Credo.Ru" Валерий Емельянов заявил, что проблема заключается не в самом посте, являющемся одним из столпов мусульманской веры, а в низкой культуре питания современных мусульман: "После целого дня абсолютного воздержания от еды и питья, многие на ифтаре разговляются по полной программе мясным и мучным, причем делают это очень быстро. Результат -резкая стрессовая нагрузка на организм, прежде всего, на сосуды - с понятными последствиями. Многие медики в мусульманском мире уже давно обратили на это внимание. Кстати, в одном из хадисов пророк Мухаммад заповедует правоверным разговляться водой и финиками, ибо в этом продукте  есть баракят (благословение)". <ref>http://www.portal-credo.ru/site/print.php?act=news&id=62061</ref>
{{Quote||A new study by scientists in the United States has revealed that pregnant Muslim women who fast during Ramadan are likely to have smaller babies who will be more prone to learning disabilities in adulthood.
The researchers also found that the women were 10 per cent less likely to give birth to a boy if they had fasted during Ramadan. The trend was clearest if the fasting was done early in the women’s pregnancy, and during the summer months, when long hours of daylight called for them to go longer without food.<BR>. . .<BR>
The study, which used census data from the US, Iraq and Uganda, also discovered long-term effects on the adult’s health and his or her future economic success.
"We generally find the largest effects on adults when Ramadan falls early in pregnancy," the Independent quoted Douglas Almond, of Columbia University, and Bhashkar Mazumder, of the Federal Research Bank of Chicago, the authors of the research, as saying.
"Rates of adult disability are roughly 20 per cent higher, with specific mental disabilities showing substantially larger effects. Importantly, we detect no corresponding outcome differences when the same design is applied to non-Muslims," they added.<ref>[http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life/health-fitness/health/Ramadan-fast-not-recommended-during-pregnancy/articleshow/6090400.cms Ramadan fast not recommended during pregnancy] - The Times of India, Jun 25, 2010</ref>}}
===Переедание и увеличение кислотности желудочного сока===
{{Quote||'Binge eating is a ''fairly common habit'' during the Ramadan period, especially as the day is spent without eating or drinking,' says Anjali Dange, Dietitian at Welcare Hospital.
"During the initial days of fasting, you may encounter slight dizziness as well as frequent headaches."
Dr Phadke says that fasting can also increase levels of gastric acidity in the stomach which can cause burning and heaviness, and sometimes a sour taste in the mouth.<ref name="Anjali Dange">[http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.khaleejtimes.com%2FDisplayArticleNew.asp%3Fcol%3D%26section%3Dtheuae%26xfile%3Ddata%2Ftheuae%2F2008%2FSeptember%2Ftheuae_September167.xml&date=2011-07-12 <!-- http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?col=&section=theuae&xfile=data/theuae/2008/September/theuae_September167.xml -->Dietitian Advises Selective Eating Habits During Ramadan] - Khaleej Times Online, September 7, 2008</ref>}}
{{Quote||During Ramadan most of the population sleep during the day, with the iftar beginning at sundown: large feasts at which many end up eating so much they need to be taken to hospital casualty wards, with a record high almost 8,000 cases of indigestion recorded at the Hamad Medical Hospital emergency room solely in the first week of Ramadan 2011.<ref name="ANSMarch132012Ram">[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.ansamed.info/ansamed/en/news/sections/generalnews/2012/03/13/visualizza_new.html_131156617.html|2=2012-03-15}} Qatar: surge in diabetes/obesity, unhealthy Arab habits] - ANSAmed, March 13, 2012</ref>}}
Dr. Muhammad Alabdooni, a Muslim and the chairman of the Dutch Moroccan Physicians Association, also maintains there is no scientific proof that Islamic fasting is physiologically beneficial.<ref>[http://www.rnw.nl/africa/article/fasting-during-ramadan-good-your-health Is fasting during Ramadan good for your health?] - Radio Netherlands Worldwide</ref>
===Повышения токсичности часто используюемых лекарств===
Fasting has been found to significantly change drug metabolism and deplete crucial chemicals in the liver needed to detoxify medication.
Paracetemol (also called acetaminophen) is one of the most commonly used drugs to treat day to day pain such as headaches or gastrointestinal pain, this is the very same pain that is likely to be encountered by a fasting individual. Therefore, a significant risk arises when someone who has been fasting takes this common medication (among many others).
As the Journal of Internal Medicine Reports:
{{Quote||Paracetamol-related hepatotoxicity is now the most common cause of the potentially devastating clinical syndrome of acute liver failure in many western countries. In patients who develop liver damage following moderate paracetamol overdose in the order of 5–10 g daily, recent fasting and nutritional impairment have been identified as key precipitants.
In keeping with experience in the modest paracetamol overdose setting [6], it is likely that fasting occurring on a background of longstanding diminished caloric intake and severe malnutrition played an important role in the development of paracetamol-induced liver damage at recommended dosage of 4 g daily in this patient. Fasting and malnutrition result in reduction of hepatic levels of glutathione, required for inactivation of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinonimine, the toxic metabolite of paracetamol [6]. A 16-h period of fasting is sufficient to substantially deplete hepatic glutathione stores in mice [11]. <ref name=ParaODFast">[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1365-2796.2003.01097.x/full Paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity at recommended dosage] - The Journal of Internal Medicine, Janurary 24, 2003</ref>}}
==Социальные эффекты==
The following study in [[Morocco]] found that irritability increased during Ramadan:
OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that people in Morocco are more irritable during the month of Ramadan than during the rest of the year. Our objectives were to measure irritability in fasting Muslims during the month of Ramadan, to describe its various modes of expression, and to examine risk factors for this irritability.
METHODS AND SUBJECTS: We studied 100 healthy volunteers during the month of Ramadan for two successive years (1994 and 1995). All subjects were male (mean age, 32+/-5.8 years), and 51% of them were smokers. Irritability was assessed over a 6-week period (before, four times during, and after the end of Ramadan). We assessed both subjective (visual analog scale) and objective irritability. We also recorded the consumption of psychostimulants, duration of sleep, and anxiety level as measured by the Hamilton Anxiety Scale.
RESULTS: Irritability was significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers before the beginning of Ramadan. It was higher in both groups during the Ramadan month. '''Irritability increased continuously during Ramadan and reached its peak at the end of the month.''' Consumption of psychostimulants (coffee and tea) and anxiety level followed the same pattern. Smokers and nonsmokers had a similar pattern of irritability over time, but irritability increased more in smokers than in nonsmokers.<ref>Kadri N, Tilane A, El Batal M, Taltit Y, Tahiri SM, Moussaoui D, "[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.psychosomaticmedicine.org/cgi/reprint/62/2/280.pdf|2=2011-04-04}} Irritability During the Month of Ramadan]", Psychosomatic Medicine 2000 Mar-Apr 62:2 280-5</ref>}}
{{Quote||Wael Bakor, 29, marketing manager at a major company in Jeddah, expressed regret at the attitude of employees. “Unfortunately, people become more tense and irritated during Ramadan. One can easily notice the bad moods, the tension and the inability to put up with anyone or anything,” he said.<ref name="arabnews">Hassna’a Mokhtar - [http://www.webcitation.org/61GqHsLOo <!-- Original URL http://www.arabnews.com/?page=1&section=0&article=101889&d=30&m=9&y=2007 -->Productivity and Self-Discipline in Ramadan] - ArabNews, September 30, 2007</ref>}}
===Уровень преступности===
In a study done on the Arab world,<ref name="ANSA"/> experts claimed that increases in blood crimes (+1.5%) and theft (+3.5%) were observed during Ramadan.
{{Quote||[Egypt] In the past few years, Ramadan — a month usually reserved for pious contemplation and reverence — has been marred by an alarming rise in violent crime, experts have said.<ref>Yasmine Saleh - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.dailystaregypt.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=3746|2=2011-07-12}} Ramadan saw rise in violent domestic crimes] - Daily News Egypt, November 2, 2006</ref>}}
{{Quote||Director of Jakarta Police’s General Crime Unit, Sr. Comr. Muhammad Iriawan called on Jakarta residents to be alert as crimes tended to increase during the fasting month of Ramadan.
Iriawan said crimes such as house break-ins and robberies tend to increase during Ramadan, when the need for extra money was high because of the festivities.<ref>Bati Kartini & Samuel L - [{{Reference archive|1=http://thejakartaglobe.com/home/4-gold-shop-robbers-killed-2-caught-during-police-raids-across-the-city/326794|2=2011-07-12}} 4 Gold Shop Robbers Killed, 2 Caught During Police Raids Across the City] - The Jakarta Globe, August 28, 2009</ref>}}
{{Quote||official of the Jakarta city administration, A Sjarief Mustafa, says that the number of prostitutes caught by his office had increased from 94, before Ramadan, to 264 during it. He also said that the numbers of beggars had increased.
He claimed that the incidence of social ills such as begging and prostitution always increased during the "holy month", and said that people from the provinces often used the "momentum" of Ramadan to come to Jakarta and seek money from the Jakarta's residents.<ref>David - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.indonesiamatters.com/762/ramadan-crime/|2=2011-07-12}} Ramadan Crime] - Indonesia Matters, October 20, 2006</ref>}}
{{Quote||The Passports Department in Makkah arrested over 1,800 persons suspected of pickpocketing and stealing from pilgrims and visitors during the [2011] Umrah and Ramadan seasons ... Hussein stated that the advancement in technology, particularly facial recognition, reduced crimes tremendously in previous years.<ref>[http://arabnews.com/saudiarabia/article499367.ece 1,800 nabbed for thefts in Ramadan] - Arab News, September 9, 2011</ref>}}
====Торговля детьми====
{{Quote||With the advent of Ramadan in just a few days, child trafficking, a trade that sometimes goes unpunished in Yemen, is expected to increase as food prices rise and parents struggle to provide for their children.
"I think during Ramadan prices rise and there is a lapse of security along the borders," Coordinator of Child Parliament Om Khalthoum said.
Almost 1,500 Yemeni children were saved by child protection centers from exploitation, abuse and deprivation that come at the hands of their traffickers or smugglers, according to Naseem Ur-Rahman of UNICEF. Yemeni children, primarily boys, are trafficked into Saudi Arabia for exploitation as beggars, street vendors and unskilled laborers.
While there are no statistics that determine how many children are trafficked on an annual basis, authorities do know that during the month of Ramadan the numbers rise. "One of the main problems is that there is a lack of reliable data," Ur-Rahman said.<ref>Salma Ismail - [http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yementimes.com%2FDefaultDET.aspx%3Fi%3D1287%26p%3Dlocal%26a%3D1&date=2011-04-04 <!-- http://www.yementimes.com/DefaultDET.aspx?i=1287&p=local&a=1 -->Yemen child trafficking to increase in Ramadan] - Yemen Times, August 20, 2009</ref>}}
===аварийные службы===
====Увлеичение числа проишествий====
In 1994, the Accident and Emergency Department of St Mary's Hospital in London conducted a study to examine if accident and emergency attendances increased during Ramadan for Muslim patients. At the time, the department was treating 55,000 new patients every year:
{{Quote||2=The results are shown in Table 1. This demonstrates a '''significant rise in the number of Muslims attending during Ramadan''' compared to non-Muslims, with the proportion of Muslims rising from 3.63% of total attendances in the periods before and after Ramadan to 5.11% during Ramadan (P=0.0024). '''The rise in non accident-related attendances among Muslims was also significant''' when compared to non-Muslims (P=0.027) [...]<ref>[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1294766/ The effect of the fast of Ramadan on accident and emergency attendances] (J R Soc Med. 1994 September; 87(9): 517–518.)</ref>}}
An increase in road traffic accidents in the [[United Arab Emirates]] during Ramadan was reported.<ref>Bener, A., Absood, G. H., Achan, N. V., & Sankaran-Kutty, M. (1992). Road traffic injuries in Al-Ain City, United Arab Emirates. The Journal of the Royal Society of Health, 112, 273-276.</ref> Taking this into consideration, you would expect Emergency Services in Muslim majority nations to work twice as hard during this period. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
====Нарушения в работе сервисных услуг====
In August, 2010, Mustafa Mor, who was involved in a road accident in Turkey, was left waiting on a stretcher due to the X-ray service being closed for fast-breaking.
{{Quote||investigation after a patient waited at the door of an X-ray service in a hospital, which was closed for half an hour at the time for fast-breaking.
Mustafa Mor’s car went off the road and crashed into a tree in the Nizip district of the southern province of Gaziantep. Bekir Karabacak, a passerby, took him and his cousin, who has the same name and was a passenger in the vehicle, to the Nizip Public Hospital. The doctors thought that the passenger Mor might have had a broken leg and sent him to the X-ray service.
The health care personnel took Mor on a stretcher to the X-ray service, where they found a note that said, “I am having dinner, I am about to return,” hanging on the door. Karabacak, who had taken him to the hospital, said: “We are also fasting. Should this place be closed? There is an injured man here, and this is a hospital.” After Mor waited half an hour, the staff returned from dinner.
Cengiz Öztop, the chief physician of Nizip Public Hospital, claimed that there was no neglect in the situation.<ref name="Hurriyet Daily">[http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=man-gets-delayed-healthcare-service-due-to-ramadan-2010-08-15 Man gets delayed health care due to Ramadan in Turkey] - Hurriyet Daily News, August 15, 2010</ref>}}
Search and rescue teams in Kocaeli, Turkey, had also stopped working due to Ramadan.
{{Quote||Search and rescue teams including 200 people who were working on the beaches of the western province of Kocaeli have stopped working due to Ramadan. Vacationers have criticized the decision and said that people swam in the area unperturbedly thanks to the rescue teams. According to the vacationers, the shores will be full of people until the schools start.
Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality officers said that they would review the decision once again.<ref name="Hurriyet Daily"></ref>}}
===Сокращение числа жертвующих кровь===
{{Quote||Blood Transfusion Organization announced that blood donations have dropped by 35 percent since the beginning of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan (Sept. 25).<ref name="iran">[http://www.iran-daily.com/1385/2674/pdf/i5.pdf Iran-Daily.com (pdf)] - October 1, 2006</ref>}}
The same news source said that "each blood unit can save three lives". This implies that Ramadan also results in loss of life since life-saving blood donations drop by one-third.
Another study takes a look at fasting Muslims who were stricken with lethargy and fatigue due to the behavioral changes that accompany the month long celebration.
This study was conducted in five provinces and food consumption, physical activity types and duration for 3 consecutive days were recorded in the questionnaire together with some general characteristics of 750 (320 males, 430 females) adults who were on fast during Ramadan at time of interview. One hundred and eighty-seven subjects had some type of health problems, among whom 60.4% were using drugs, and 31.6% were on diets; however, during Ramadan 9.7 and 18.8% of the subjects dropped taking drugs and did not regularly keep on diets, respectively. During the fasting time, from dawn to sunset, 34.3% of the subjects developed some behavioural disturbances, such as feeling tired and being unwilling to work. Although the meal consumed at dawn consisted of foods that were usually eaten at breakfast, the meal consumed at sunset consisted of a great variety of foods. Calcium intake was the most insufficiently consumed nutrient. It was observed that the daily energy intakes were less than the expenditures both in males and females. Further research should be done on the effects of fasting in health and disease.<ref>Karaaðaoðlu N, Yücecan S, "Some behavioural Changes observed among fasting subjects, their nutritional habits and energy expenditure in Ramadan", International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 2000 Mar 51:125-34</ref>}}
In September 2009, Stephen Constantine, Head coach of Sudan partly blamed his side’s loss to the Black Stars to the fasting of most of his players. <ref>[http://sports.peacefmonline.com/soccer/200909/26144.php "Fasting affected my players" – Sudan coach] - Peace FM, September 6, 2009</ref> In Italy, both a prominent coach and a team owner in the top Serie A league linked the rigors of Ramadan's sunrise-to-sunset fasting to Muslim players' poor performance on the pitch. <ref>Jeff Israely - [http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1919106,00.html Soccer Star Benched for Fasting During Ramadan] - TIME, August 27, 2009</ref>
===Насилие и анти-социальное поведение,направленное на немусульман===
The month of Ramadan often sees an increase in violence and anti-social behavior towards religious minorities living among a large Muslim population.<ref name="MNN"></ref> In some Muslim majority countries like [[Algeria]],<ref name="Algeria">[http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/09/22/3018315.htm?section=justin Christians tried for breaking Ramadan fast] - ABC News, September 22, 2010</ref> Morocco,<ref>Doug Bandow - [http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=11966 Morocco: The Limits of Islamic Religious Tolerance] - KATO Insitute, July 8, 2010</ref> [[Pakistan]],<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.deccanherald.com/content/181534/25-jailed-pak-eating-public.html|2=2011-08-06}} 25 jailed in Pak for eating in public during Ramadan] - PTI, August 5, 2011</ref> [[Saudi Arabia]],<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.bikyamasr.com/73404/saudi-warns-non-muslims-with-expulsion-if-eating-drinking-in-public-during-ramadan/|2=2012-07-22}} Saudi warns non-Muslims with expulsion if eating, drinking in public during Ramadan] - Bikya Masr, July 21, 2012</ref> and in parts of the United Arab Emirates,<ref>Anissa Haddadi - [{{Reference archive|1=http://uk.ibtimes.com/articles/190323/20110801/non-muslim-holidaying-in-dubai-warned-to-respect-ramadan-rules.htm|2=2011-08-02}} Non-Muslim Holidaying in Dubai Warned to Respect 'Ramadan Rules'] - International Business Times, August 1, 2011</ref> it is against the law to eat or drink in public during fasting hours, and violating these laws can involve jail-time or expulsion.
{{Quote||Last year [2009] during Ramadan, there was an upsurge against Christians in the Muslim world," says Jerry Dykstra of Open Doors, USA. Dykstra says that although persecution did not increase in every Muslim nation, it did increase significantly in many of them, Egypt being one of the worst.
During Ramadan last year in Egypt, a church was burned to the ground. At least 155 Egyptian Christians were arrested for not participating in Ramadan. Last September, Rody Rodeheaver with I.N. Network  explained that Ramadan "is a time when Muslims who are moderate often become much more aggressive about their faith, and they [see it] as a time to be aggressive as they deal with Christians." Rodeheaver also noted that many people are somewhat psychologically distraught by a lack of food since Muslims are required to fast during Ramadan.
This year, with tension rising after Muslim attacks on Christians in Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and other nations just before Ramadan, prospects don't look much better. The potential for a swell in persecution in the next 28 days is high.
Ramadan--August 11 to September--is especially daunting for Muslim converts to Christianity.<ref name="MNN">[http://www.mnnonline.org/article/14591 Ramadan a time of fasting and...persecution?] - Mission Network News, August 13, 2010</ref>}}
{{Quote||Hocine Hocini, 44, and Salem Fellak, 34, were arrested on August 13 [2010] on the building site where they worked in the northern region of Kabylie [Algeria] after they were spotted eating lunch. The pair admit to eating but insist it happened in a discreet place. Muslims are not allowed to eat during daylight hours during the Ramadan holy month. In Algeria breaking the fast can be punished with three months in jail.
"I am optimistic," Hocini, a Protestant with a one-month-old daughter, said as he left the courtroom in Ain el Hammam after the hearing. "I have no regrets, I'm Christian and assume my responsibilities. We are innocent, and we haven't done any harm to anyone...We are Christians and we have not eaten in a public place."
The verdict is due on October 5. The prosecutor called for the full three months in prison for both men.<ref name="Algeria"></ref>}}
{{Quote||Police in Pakistan arrested two Christians for eating during the Islamic fasting season of Ramadan in the city of Silanwali on Aug. 25 [2009], reports Michael Ireland, chief correspondent, ASSIST News Service.<BR>. . .<BR>
In a media release, ICC says that after the waiter served them tea and a snack, several policemen started to question them as to why they were desecrating Ramadan by eating during the Islamic fasting season. The two Christians told the police that since they are Christians, they are not supposed to fast during Ramadan.<BR>. . .<BR>
Azzaq Bhatti, the father of Gull Masih and paternal uncle of Ashir Sohail, in an interview with ICC said that, "during Lent, all Muslims eat, drink and smoke publicly and neither police nor government authorities take notice of it. And none of the Muslims are arrested for desecrating Christians' Lent season."
ICC's Jonathan Racho said: "Forcing Christians to fast during the Islamic fasting month is both outrageous and a clear violation of freedom of religion. We call upon Pakistani officials to immediately release Gull and Ashir and take appropriate legal measures against police officers who detained them."<ref>[http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue6747.html Christians arrested in Pakistan for eating during Ramadan] - The Christian Telegraph, September 2, 2009</ref>}}
Ramadan-inspired violence against non-Muslims and non-observant Muslims is on the increase in secular societies. Notable incidents include; a Jewish women in Toulouse, [[France]], being called a "dirty Jew" and struck on the head by two Muslim teenagers for buying food during fasting hours; a Muslim man in a central Lyon Restaurant struck in the head with a glass bottle and hit with a chair by three youths for not respecting Ramadan;<ref>[http://vladtepesblog.com/?p=25211 Two people assaulted in France for eating during Ramadam. One was not even Muslim] - Vlad Tepes, August 24, 2010</ref> an 11-year-old in Sydney, [[Australia]], chased and later beaten by Muslim students because he ate a salami sandwich during Ramadan;<ref>[http://www.news.com.au/national/parents-say-son-was-tormented-for-eating-salami-sandwich-during-ramadan/story-e6frfkvr-1225797140592 Parents say son was tormented for eating salami sandwich during Ramadan] - The Daily Telegraph, November 13, 2009</ref> a Turkish MP in Berlin, [[Germany]], beaten by restaurant staff for ordering pork sausages;<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://news.am/eng/news/70698.html|2=2011-08-12}} Turkish MP was beaten for ordering pork sausage in Germany] - NEWS.am, August 11, 2011</ref> and the following report is of an atheist living in the [[United Kingdom]]:
{{Quote||Monzur Rahman was left with a broken arm, damaged eye and lying unconscious in the street after the violent attack earlier this month. The 39-year-old atheist claims he was brutally set upon by a pack of youths for failing to observe Ramadan.
Arif Raham, a friend of Monzur (who speaks little English), relayed to the Advertiser his terrifying story. He said Monzur had been chatting with a friend who was drinking during Ramadan.
He claims he was then approached by a group of around ten young men who asked him why he wasn’t observing Ramadan. When he replied that he was an atheist they are believed to have chased him to nearby Walburgh Street, attacking him outside his home.
Monzur was reportedly battered until unconscious and later taken to the Royal London Hospital. His left arm was broken and metal bolts later put in. Tower Hamlets police have made no arrests and enquiries are ongoing.<ref>Sheena McKenzie - [http://www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk/news/battered_stepney_man_in_recovery_1_655839?action=login Battered Stepney man in recovery] - East London Advertiser, September 23, 2010</ref>}}
==Экономические эффекты==
As some of the above studies established, fasting can cause dehydration, sleep disorders and other harmful affects. Naturally all of this would affect productivity and the national economy. Those living in Muslim majority nations can readily feel the effects of stagnation that accompanies the month of Ramadan. In such places, it is a month that is marked by very low productivity. When the entire population of a country observes fasting during the time they are at work, it is inevitable that they will suffer a significant loss in general productivity. In a survey carried out by Cairo’s Institute of Social Sciences of the Arab World it is found that the productivity of Arab businesses during the month of Ramadan dropped by a staggering 78%:
{{Quote||During Ramadan, the productivity of Arab businesses drops by 78%. The essential factors? Fewer work hours, absenteeism, and sick leave. (...)  The figures are included in a survey carried out by Cairòs Institute of Social Sciences of the Arab World which was printed today by 'Leaders', a Tunisian website. (ANSAmed)<ref name="ANSA">[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGIH_enUS280US281&q=%28ANSAmed%29+-+Tunis%2C+September%2C3+++During+Ramadan%2C+the+productivity+of+Arab+businesses+drops+by+78%25.+The+essential+factors%3F+Fewer+work+hours%2C+absenteeism%2C+and+sick+leave.&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= Ramadan: Productivity of Arab Businesses Drops by 78%] - ANSAmed, September 3, 2009 (''[http://www.ansamed.info/en/news/[email protected] original URL]'')</ref>}}
Production in almost all businesses in Morocco drops during the month of Ramadan, analysts say, although consumption increases significantly:
{{Quote||Work hours are shorter during Ramadan, with employees working seven-hour days compared to the regular 8.5-hour days. Some businesses don't open until 10 am, and school timetables change to accommodate the Ramadan calendar.
"The drop in productivity could be due to the disruption of the body clock," said A. Hamdi, who works in an industrial unit. "It is difficult to get used to the work day.
In addition to the women who race home to make iftar, others are sneaking out earlier to avoid traffic jams, which usually start at 4 pm with the end of the normal working day."<ref>Hassan Benmehdi - [http://www.magharebia.com/cocoon/awi/xhtml1/en_GB/features/awi/features/2008/09/19/feature-03 Productivity drops during Ramadan in Morocco] - Magharebia (Casablanca), September 19, 2008</ref>}}
{{Quote||'''Low productivity during Ramadan affects Dubai employees'''<BR><BR>Performance in most companies, institutions and government departments around the Arab world is usually at a low during the month of Ramadan, with poor productivity and constant reported absences.<ref>[http://www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=NjkyOTQ3NTM0 Low productivity during Ramadan affects Dubai employees] - Kuwait Times, September 24, 2007</ref>}}
In [[Bahrain]], the work day is reduced to six-hours instead of the normal eight hours:<ref name="arabnews"/>
{{Quote||Alaa Al-Mohammadi, 27, works as a teaching assistant at King Abdul Aziz University, which, during Ramadan, opens between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Al-Mohammadi noticed the low level of productivity during the month of Ramadan, especially among students. “On account of the nature of the month when people stay up all night, absenteeism increases among students,” she said.<ref name="arabnews"/>}}
{{Quote||"Jordanian workers in general are not hard working and in Ramadan, employees frequently are absent or ask for leave, a notable phenomenon that negatively affects the overall economic performance," economist Salameh Darawi told The Jordan Times over the phone Wednesday.
Economic analyst Hussam Ayesh said productivity drops by about 50 per cent in the public and private sectors during Ramadan.<ref name="jordan">Mohammad Ghazal - [{{Reference archive|1=http://www.jordantimes.com/?news=19888|2=2011-04-04}}  Productivity suffers during holy month] - The Jordan Times, September 10, 2009</ref>}}
===Комментарии от мусульман и бывших мусульман==
{{Quote||An employee at a construction material company, who preferred anonymity, said: "Everything is slow in Ramadan and I myself tend to delay work. The only fast thing I see in Ramadan is lunatic drivers speeding to get home for iftar."<ref name="jordan"/>}}
{{Quote||In Ramzan the working hours are nine to one. That’s it. And in these four hours work is the last thing on the workers’ mind. Go to any government office during these four hours and you will encounter a grouchy, lazy and sick-of-life person with bad breath (apparently even brushing your teeth in the morning is not kosher if you are fasting). No matter how urgent your work, leave the place and come back after two and a half months in the third week of Muharram. This man is in no mood to do anything. He’d rather go home and watch an Indian movie till he breaks fast.<ref>Nasir Abbas Mirza - [http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\08\23\story_23-8-2009_pg3_6 OPINION: Rejoice! The season to shun work is here] - Daily Times, August 23, 2009</ref>}}
{{Quote||I couldn't concentrate in school. I had nasty heart burn all morning, because we'd wake up at an ungodly hour to gorge! [...] There are many women in my life and some of them are extremely old with various medical conditions. They all feel compelled to fast. It drives me insane!<ref>[http://nimbu.wordpress.com/2007/09/14/its-a-strange-ramadan/ It’s a strange Ramadan] - Blog from Nimbu, a former Muslim, September 14, 2007</ref>}}
Intermittent and prolonged fasting is generally not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Depriving the body of water and essential nutrients by dividing and postponing meals to irregular intervals does nothing to limit consumption. In-fact it causes a host of health, performance and mood disorders. Fasting is not normally prescribed for the well being of human beings. Instead, it is commonly understood that eating healthy, smaller-portioned meals, interspersed throughout the day is far better in maintaining a well-balanced diet and far more forgiving on a person's metabolism.  Any claims that prolonged and intermittent fasting contributes to the well-being of an individual's health are misleading, based on the scientific studies that prove otherwise. If the Islamic argument in favor of fasting is that “we fast because Allah commanded us to do so," then it is obvious that [[Allah]] is not a nutritionist or a dietitian because the negatives definitely outweigh the positives.
So the question to the Muslim world is: keeping in mind the above adverse affects of fasting observed in studies, what benefit does the Muslim world get for 1 billion people staying hungry throughout the day for one full month every year? Did Allah actually want Muslims to suffer physically, socially and economically for one month every year? Also, if fasting is beneficial as Muslims claim, why do Muslims not fast the entire year instead of just one month?
==Ответы на возражения апологетов==
#'''''"Most of the evidence provided is from newspaper articles. Not very scientific is it?"'''''<br>The claim that "most of the evidence provided is from news paper articles" is false. The majority of this page references and quotes directly from the conclusions of scientific studies.  It also quotes medical experts and statistics provided by Medical facilities. As for the news articles quoted here, they are reliable sources that reference and describe the conclusions of scientific studies. For an indepth section by section response, see the '[[Talk:Adverse Effects of Islamic Fasting|talk]]' page, or simply view the references provided below.
#'''''"Muslims do not fast in Ramadan so they can be healthy. They fast because Allah commanded them to."'''''<br>This is true. But many Muslims attempt to justify this unhealthy practice by claiming it is healthy. Besides, if Allah is all-knowing and merciful, he would not endanger his followers' health by making a hazardous activity become compulsory. However, it would make complete sense if we were to accept he is ignorant of [[Islam and Science|science]] or a [[Jahannam#Why_It_Makes_Allah_a_Sadist|sadist]]. But then why would anyone want to worship such a deity?
#'''''"Islam is just one of numerous religions (Hinduism, Christianity, Catholicism etc.) that prescribe fasting for its people."'''''<br>This claim is true, but also very disingenuous. Rules vary but fasting in Christianity is not compulsory, nor is it expected to be a complete fast. Meaning Christians generally reduce (not stop) their intake of food, and also drink freely during fasts. This is perfectly healthy and not comparable to the Islamic sawm. Similarly in Hinduism, fasting is a part of the religion, but individuals observe different kinds of fasts based on their personal beliefs and local customs.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasting|2=2013-03-14}} Fasting] - Wikipedia, accessed March 14, 2013</ref> This argument is also a logical fallacy known as [[Tu Quoque|ad hominem tu quoque]]. Meaning it is not a valid defense of Islam, but a diversion that some may construe as an indirect admission of Islam's flaws.
{{Core Science}}
==See Also==
==Дополнительные ссылки==
* [http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=13&art_id=vn20080914093305299C824902 Ramadan diet poses health risk - experts]
===Научные исследования===
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9100605 Ramadan diet restrictions modify the circadian time structure in humans. A study on plasma gastrin, insulin, glucose, and calcium and on gastric pH] ''(extract)''
* [http://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/ebm/related/9198696/%5BRamadan__A_month_of_fasting_with_risk_for_both_nocturnal_overeating_dehydration_and_starving%5D Medical Search Engine Result]'' - more studies on fasting''
{{Ислам и наука}}

Текущая версия от 17:12, 18 августа 2013